Twenty-First Century Moms


  • Laurie Kruk Nipissing University

Author Biography

Laurie Kruk, Nipissing University

Laurie Kruk teaches at Nipissing University in North Bay, Ontario, where she is Full Professor in English Studies. She has published The Voice is the Story: Conversations with Canadian Writers of Short Fiction (Mosaic, 2003)and Double-Voicing the Canadian Short Story (Ottawa University Press, 2016).She is also the author of three books of poetry: Theories of the World (Netherlandic,1992), Loving the Alien (YSP, 2006) and My Mother Did Not Tell Stories (Demeter, 2012). Most recently, she has co-edited Borderlands and Crossroads: Writing the Motherland (Demeter, 2016), a creative anthology, with poet Jane Satterfield.


How to Cite

Kruk, L. (2017). Twenty-First Century Moms. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, 8(1-2). Retrieved from