Fertility, Conjuncture, Difference: Anthropological Approaches to the Heterogeneity of Modern Fertility Declines


  • Naomi M. Mcpherson

Author Biography

Naomi M. Mcpherson

Naomi M. McPherson is Associate Professor Emerita, Cultural Anthropology, at the University of British Columbia. Since 1980 she has conducted ethnographic research in Papua New Guinea, a key research focus gender relations, gendered violence, and women’s maternal and reproductive health. With Michelle Walks she co-edited Anthropology of Mothering (Demeter 2011), contributed a chapter “Black and Blue: Shades of Gendered Violence in West New Britain, PNG” to Engendering Violence in Melanesia (ANU Press 2012), and edited Missing the Mark? Women and the Millennium Development Goals in Africa and Oceania (Demeter 2016).


How to Cite

Mcpherson, N. M. (2018). Fertility, Conjuncture, Difference: Anthropological Approaches to the Heterogeneity of Modern Fertility Declines. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, 9(2). Retrieved from https://jarm3.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/jarm/article/view/40541